I joined a charity founded by Steven Tyler from Aerosmith. The goal is to help young women that have been victims of physical and verbal trauma. The majority of the money will go to Youth Villages. It’s loosely based on the song Janie’s Got A Gun. He changed it to Janie’s Got A Fund. I was one of the first people to donate so they consider me a “founding member”. They asked if I would like to do some fundraising by setting up a Fundraiser Page with Crowdrise.com. It is a reputable company and I believe in the cause having been through similar situations when I was younger myself. I also wanted to add a mental health spin and addiction spin because neither is mentioned.

The problem is I don’t know as much about computers as I thought I did. Supposedly I’m able to put it on here. I’ve spent 3 hours trying and talked to tech support for both companies. I’m unable to get it on other Social Media sites also. I am so disappointed in myself. This is something I believe in for once. I could actually make a difference.

So if anyone would like to try to find it you could go on http://www.crowdrise.com/the-bipolar-rambler-for-janies-fund. Or The Bipolar Rambler For #JaniesGotAFund. Who knows? I tried. It’s now been a total of 6 hours. I need a break!

About darie73

I have lived with Bipolar Disorder since my early teens. I have lived with Social Anxiety Disorder for even longer. I self-medicated with alcohol for over 20 years, that's how long it took to get a diagnosis. I'm open and honest about my mental health so hopefully one day the system will change. View all posts by darie73


  • Pieces of Bipolar

    You’re right. You tried and with amazing commitment of 6 hours. I don’t think I could have lasted that long! And you never know, the tech advice may be coming just around the corner


    • darie73

      lol I felt like my head was going to pop off. It’s ridiculous. My brother is a computer programmer. He’s worked with the biggest companies in the world. My sister is also extremely knowledgeable about computers. But I don’t even bother to ask for help anymore. Banging my head against that same brick wall and expecting a different outcome every time is MY problem. Thanks for responding it helps so much.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Pieces of Bipolar

      You’re most welcome. Any time 🙂


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