Category Archives: Am I Weird?

Giving is Creepy??

I make jewelry as a hobby. It keeps my mind occupied so I relieve some of the pressure and anxiety. The problem is I am left with a lot of jewelry. I do wear some of it. I give away a lot of it. My sister thinks this can be creepy and make some people uncomfortable.

I had to get lab testing done and it was a bad day. I couldn’t find the place and by the time I did I didn’t feel well. When the lab tech came out she was so warm and friendly. She made me feel comfortable right away. She asked questions about what was going on with me like she actually cared. She was frustrated with the Urologist because he coded a test wrong which meant I would have to pay for it. She thought it was unfair. She noticed I didn’t look well. I noticed she was wearing a rose gold watch from one of my favorite company’s. I told her how much I loved it and we talked fashion a bit. She explained a very complicated test I had to do at home and bring back to her then we said our goodbyes.

I had a ton of rose gold jewelry supplies so I made her a necklace with a handmade drop in the middle made with 1 white round sea glass, some round purple sea glass, and Swarovski Crystals. I gave it to her when I went back and she had tears in her eyes. I told her I would have done earrings but I noticed she only had studs in. She laughed and explained she used to love big earrings until she had her baby and she kept trying to pull them out. She asked if I made the ones I had on and I did. She was impressed and wondered why I wasn’t selling them. I just told her I like to give them away to the kind people I meet that deserve something nice for themselves. I didn’t think it was creepy. I’ll keep doing it. It makes me happy to see the look on someone’s face when they like something I made. What’s wrong with that?