You Got To Change Your Crazy Ways

They want you to stop talking about your “illnesses”.

They want you to take responsibility for your actions.

They dismiss your feelings and ignore you.

They disbelieve the facts of your illness or conveniently forget them.

They think you just don’t take your meds. Forgetting your kidneys are failing.

They threaten to have you hospitalized when you cry too much over your dog dying.

They don’t answer your phone calls.

They make no effort to understand what you go through.

They sometimes hate you.

They are your family.

About darie73

I have lived with Bipolar Disorder since my early teens. I have lived with Social Anxiety Disorder for even longer. I self-medicated with alcohol for over 20 years, that's how long it took to get a diagnosis. I'm open and honest about my mental health so hopefully one day the system will change. View all posts by darie73

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